Annular Packers
Packer Element Facts
One big advantage of the Torus BOP is the inner packing element is mostly a ‘doughnut’ of solid rubber. There are two metal rings at the top & bottom of the outside edges, to promote even closure. This is how the Torus can seal around various objects in the bore, without cutting or damaging items such as Electric Submersible Pump cables.
The packing element of the Torus, ‘relaxes’ to the fully open position. The amount of time required depends on several factors, such as; temperature and the duration and extent of the closure. Our warranty does not cover left closed overnight.
Under the coldest conditions, it can take up to several hours to for the unit to completely open. Under ideal conditions, it will take only a few minutes. We recommend the Torus BOP be heated in extreme cold service. This will enhance the sealing ability at a given closure pressure and speed opening of the unit, improving productivity and product life. Our warranty does not cover damage from cryogenic operation (while frozen solid).
After each cycle, the blowout preventer bore should be inspected to determine the packer position. When completely open, the packer recedes into the steel body of the blowout preventer and will not contact objects moving through the bore. Failure to allow the BOP to completely open can result in damage to the inner packer.